Aug 12, 2023Liked by Greg Dewar

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I would grab the portable fireproof safe we keep all our important documents in, and which I heartily recommend. It’s around $100, I think this one was a Wirecutter pick: https://www.staples.com/honeywell-0-39-cu-waterproof-and-fireproof-chest-1114/product_2724229?cid=PS:GS:SBD:PMAX:OS&gclid=CjwKCAjw8symBhAqEiwAaTA__AnT4upbhP2O3vYBcJbFJMHg1jXr_uYWPbnG6Bw6s910ppo-lkQuFhoCiccQAvD_BwE

I also always tell people to use a service like Backblaze that can automatically back up all your computer data. And digitize all your old photo albums just in case! It can be a fun project.

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